GOOPO V1.0-Google Topography Query by Roozbeh Geraili Mikola, PhD, PE

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Query Type:
Select Unit:
Start Longitude:
Start Latitude:
End Longitude:
End Latitude:
Data Point (X-Dir.):
Data Point (Y-Dir.):

Use of the Google Elevation API for standard users is subject to a limit of 2,500 requests per day. In each given request you may query the elevation of up to 512 locations and 10 requests per second. This limit is enforced by Google to prevent abuse and/or repurposing of the Elevation API, and this limit may be changed in the future without notice. Please visit google developer page for more information.GOOPO trys to optimize the data usage due to this limitation but you need to pay attention to the selection of sampling number (Data Point), specially in grid query, to avoid recieving error message from Google server.

GOOPO in Action:

Following clips show how to use GOOPO:
  GOOPO in Action (Clip)

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